Do you have an iBook g4 that is laying around and do you want to play minecraft on it? Well let me tell you if it works on a iBook.

The short answer is: No. If you have the iBook that has a lot of ram and the latest of its kind, it might peform normal but a little laggy. If you have a normal iBook you didn't upgrade, the chances are no. Yes, it will load up, but it's so laggy I claim it unusable!

So if your looking for a portal Pc that will play Minecraft, do not try the iBook.

Minecraft runs very poorly on a iBook.
My iBook next to the electronics I use the most.

So I tried a project today, and that was replacing all my new electronics with old iBooks and iPhones and PPCS.

At first I thought it would be very hard, but I found some programs that I normally use on my modern Mac and PC.

I like to play games, so I used older versions of my games and they worked perfectly. I did have some render problems with smoke( smoke was turning red) but if you ignore it it will go away.

I did this project for 2 days. It's not a lot!

If you have an iBook, try using only that for a couple days!


Is there a browser made for the iBook?

The Answer is yes! It's called camino. You can find the link in the downloads or here:

According to my tests, Camino Is the fastest browser for PPCS.

Give me your opinion on the fastest browser for a PPC Mac.

Camino logo.

Although whetting windows do on a iBook is possible, it's barely usable!

Even though you could get xp on an iBook, the effects make it unusable. Windows 2000 works pretty good on a iBook!

One thing I forgot to say... How to run windows on a PPC! Ok so there are two ways...

Q is a program that is a windows emulator. It is designed for iBooks and other non intel macs. My suggestion is running windows 2000 on it because it's the fastest!

The other program is Virtual PC 2003.

Vpc is very slow when it comes to running windows. I suggest Q More because it is more compatible and faster.

My big suggestion is not running windows on a PowerPC because sometimes it's risky! Just use a windows PC to run windows!

My iBook running windows 1.3 (online simulator)

This website has all the info about iBooks and other vintage or obselete apple products!

This is my iBook g4! And I still use it! I thought why not create a website all about it?
I also own many old iPods. This is the iPod touch first generation.
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